My announcement- worthy of a 2 month wait ;)

Alas…life has been happening at warp speed in these parts.  And before you say it, I’ve already heard my mother say it a thousand times- you think life is flying by now- just wait till the baby comes.

Since the last time we spoke (you know cause we can speak via a blog, or I speak, er write…whatever) I have begun my semi-pro business with A LONG ways to go before I consider it a real job.  More it’s just a new marvelous thing I’ve discovered and have been offered money to do it.

What is it you ask?

Photography- mostly natural light children’s photography, but there have been a few miscilani (that’s my version of Misc. which I can’t spell!) subjects as well.

As I am quickly learning, being behind the camera 24-7 excludes me from photos.  So I’m in the process of being less neurotic about how perfect every picture angle needs to be so that husband, or mother, etc. are allowed to use the latest love of my life and actually capture some photos with me.

Here is a sneak preview from the last 2 months…









As you can see…not all children, but most of the kids you have seen here you will see again.  I have a few shoots coming up with more family and friends.  In case you are looking for someone to take your family Christmas photo…please contact me.  My current rates are $25 per hour, most shoots take about an hour.  I’m in the process of setting up my website with a more complete portfolio so stay tuned 🙂

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